Day 10 for the 21-Day Dhyana Sadhana, 21-Day Meditation Practice daily online retreat as we approach Divali 2024.
How can we engage with the world and attend to our spiritual process? The secret lies in the heart. When the heart chakra is strong and open we are able to engage with the world in service and love, AND attend to our own spiritual needs. This meditation shows a process of how to work with using the heart to balance the entire energy system and engage with the world from a deep centring within. Meditation Transcript
Let's come into our meditation. Let me invite you to close your eyes, align your spine. Take a few slow, deep breaths and become more aware.
Observe the different layers of your experience. Notice the condition of the body, the experience in the body. Notice the vitality. Open up to observe the emotional space. What emotion is dominant in this moment? Observe the quality of your listening and the connection in the space. Take a deep breath and observe your mind, the mental space, the many dimensions of your being. And where is it held? It's held in your consciousness. You are aware of all of these different layers of experience. Who is experiencing? I am. I am experiencing. And try to shift into that sense of "I," sense of identity, and see that you are holding this identity. The deeper you go into that sense of I, the more you will feel your connection with the source, with that divine power that empowers you, that enables you. Breathe into that feeling of I and notice what happens. Let's come into the central energy channel, using each deep breath to guide the flow of energy. As you inhale, seek to guide the flow of energy upwards in the central channel. As you exhale, seek to guide the flow of energy downwards. As you sustain your focus there, your energy awareness opens up it. As you breathe out, go all the way down to the root, the base of the energy channel. Gently squeeze the perineum there. As you exhale, keep the perineum gently active. And then inhale, drawing up the energy. And do this for a few breaths, focusing on the upward flow. But the root chakra must be highly conscious. What happens as you focus on the root chakra and draw the energy upwards? Can you feel the energy coming to your heart and gathering there? It naturally wants to flow towards the heart. Build up the energy there in your chest by drawing from the root of it. And now holding the point to the center of the chest. Breathe it through that point. You may feel a little tightness or heaviness. That's okay. Explore the expansion of the chest as you breathe. Just notice how it feels to hold the energy at that point. And now on your next inhale, create a gentle flow towards the brow. When you inhale, draw the energy up from the heart to the brow. When you exhale, allow the energy to flow down to the heart. This builds the synergy between the brow and the heart, the mind and the heart. Now gently bring the mind and the focus back to the heart and open up the energy there. Really seek to expand. If you're sensitive, you will feel the brow chakra and the root chakra are still active, are still involved in the process. Now the heart is leading, balancing the upper and lower areas of your being. Open up that heart energy field to surround your entire body, allowing that vibration to permeate the physical body, to permeate every cell. And use your breathing to create waves of energy from the heart and seek to open up to the deepest energy quality of your heart. Now gently bring into your mind some of the people from your life, circumstances of your life, friends and family, co workers, different avenues of your life that you explore. But I want you to stay centered in your heart, making sure that you are holding your being. You ground yourself in your own being and you gently extend your heart to these persons in your life. These other souls that you share your life with without losing the grounding of your heart. You're gently opening your heart to the world. The heart allows you to find balance in serving the world and supporting yourself. But always remember to stay grounded in your heart, in your own being. Don't give away your power to the world. Engage with the world with compassion, kindness, gentleness, loving energy, but from a place of inner strength. And notice you're holding this in your heart. Please take a few deep breaths exploring the expansion of the body. Breathing with the entire body. Nourish your senses as you have learned to do. Energize them. Breathe into the gut to nourish the nerve plexus, there to support your activity in the world. And as we come to the end of our meditation, let's affirm strongly in the mind: I stay centered in the source of my being. I stay centered in the unconditional loving of my heart, and I meet my world from that place. Thank you very much, everyone. Let's take one last deep breath. Pull yourself back fully into the body, feeling the weight of the body, coming back to a fully physical experience, but feeling how the inner space is open and alert. When you feel ready, with a few gentle blinks, you can open your eyes. Reflection
1. What did you observe when you focused on the sense of "I," and used your breath there?
2. What was the experience like trying to draw the energy upwards from the root to the heart? 3. Describe the experience of staying centred in your heart and meeting your world there.
10/19/2024 11:22:45 pm
Thank you for the practice. It's a wonderful way to be than the old way. Just aside I'm involved running and exercise and i find that enables me breathe more fully and deeper especially in the chest space.
10/20/2024 04:31:16 am
Namaskar Llewelyn!
10/20/2024 12:58:26 am
Dear Ved, I really felt surrounded with a loving energy and awareness. To focus inside helps me to be more quiet in my head and to notice they are just thoughts. Thank you also for your wise words about being with the world and be with yourself. For me that’s a challenge. But to act from my heart is really helpful. Than there is more ease and balancing.So thank you again for your support.
10/20/2024 04:32:41 am
Namaskar Ester!
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