Day 11 for the 21-Day Dhyana Sadhana, 21-Day Meditation Practice daily online retreat as we approach Divali 2024.
The heart energy centre holds tremendous healing powers. As it is the located at the middle of the entire subtle energy body, the heart energy centre serves as bridge. It allows the higher vibrations of the upper chakras to inspire the earth bound experience. And it allows the lower chakras to transmute their vital energies into higher vibrations of love, intuition and spiritual perception. In this meditation you are invited to explore how to energize the heart and open up to the healing powers it offers. Meditation Transcript
I invite you to close your eyes, become conscious of your breathing. Open up to the inner space with me, with all of us in our meditation group, with the intention of becoming more loving, exploring and experiencing that power that we hold within us.
Open up the self awareness. Don't become fixated on just one part of your being, like your mind or your body. Open up the awareness to be more conscious of all the different dimensions of being. The body, the vitality, the emotions, the listening, the mind, the energy. Open up the awareness as wide as you can, just to perceive, to experience, to seek, to experience all that you are. And join me in coming into that position of deep awareness of being. I am experiencing that feeling of I and remember that, that feeling of I, that sense that you exist. It's held in the divine. It's empowered by the deep consciousness within you, infinite within you, eternal within you. Breathe into that place beingness without becoming so involved in any particular area of your being. Just embrace the openness of the inner space and take a few deep breaths to explore it, making sure that your body is held in that space. As you breathe out, let go of any tensions, any disruptions as you breathe in, bring balance and harmony. Clear up that inner space. Now let's come into the central energy channel. Gently focus your mind and bring your attention into the central channel and work with the flow of energy there. Gentle inhale, guiding the flow of energy upwards. Gentle exhale, guiding the flow of energy downwards, and seek to notice the effect at the many levels of being. It has a strengthening effect on the body. It makes you feel more vital, alert. It opens up and integrates the heart with the energy system. It empowers your listening and observing, and it focuses your mind. Observe the power of this simple practice of the flow of energy up and down, how it expands and elevates the consciousness. There is a saying yoga: "the one who lives and moves in the central energy channel has become free, is liberated." So dwell there, abide there. Learn to anchor in that central energy channel. Doesn't it feel satisfying? Now let's strengthen the lower three chakras, the root, the sacral and the gut naval chakra. Bring your awareness there. When you breathe out, gently tense the perineum to strengthen the root. What you're doing is you're halting or arresting the loss of energy from the lower chakras when you squeeze the root. We can have energy leakages there, but by giving a little tension, a little holding, we seal off those energy leakages in the energy body and do the same for the sacral chakra. And that requires engaging the pelvic floor and the muscles in the sacral area. When you breathe out, give it some tension, some strength. When you breathe in. Invite the flow of energy upwards. Then you should feel that area becomes activated. It becomes warm. You have a huge energy reserve in the root and sacral chakras. Can you feel that energy becoming awakened as you focus there on the inhale. Invite that flow of energy into the navel to recharge the gut. To awaken the vital power and use abdominal breathing. Expand the abdomen and hold the abdomen. Hold the breath, feeling the flow of energy circulating into the gut. When you breathe out, you're letting go of the air, but you're holding the energy in the abdomen. Do this for a few breaths. Holding the abdomen expanded. By doing this, you restore the nervous system. You restore that very large nerve plexus. Now, on your next inhale, draw the energy up to your heart. But feel the support of the lower chakras. Feel the support is there, providing a foundation to the heart. And in particular, open up your awareness to feel the connection between the sacral and the heart. It's a gentle drawing in and up of the energy to your heart. Can you feel that connection? Nourish the heart using the powerful regeneration of the sacral. It's a huge creative force. And I can feel as my focus is on the heart, my hands become activated. There's a tingling in the palms, warmth in the palms. The hands are connected to the heart. Now, holding the energy at that point, at the center of the chest. Hold the intention of unconditional loving. Hold the intention of kindness, gentleness, loving oneself and the world, and staying centered in the heart. Open up that loving vibration to surround your body. You're generating a loving energy field. An aura of presence, of loving energy. Solidify it around your body. Strengthen it. Make sure it permeates the body, that it is powerful. Take a deep breath into the chest. Allow the energy to expand and strengthen. Now, increase the flow of energy in the heart. Take it from the 80% you were giving to 100% by taking a deep breath, strengthening your will and expanding the power in the chest. How does it feel to increase the energy field? Now, from that 100% increase, use your inhale. Use your willpower. Let's go to 120. Project the energy into the space around you. Hold the body in that loving energy with the heart at the center. Use your breathing to support the process. You need deep breaths to draw the energy from the root of the heart. Let's go to 150%. Open up. Push yourself. Challenge yourself to open the heart further, to increase the flow. Take one last deep breath. And as you exhale, release the pressure on your will. Gently allow the energy to flow down in the channel. As you breathe out, relax. Observe the senses. Observe how the condition of your body and the space around you has changed, becomes sensitive to the heart. How does it feel, the emotional landscape? Now we are slowly coming back, feeling the weight of the body. And let's affirm in the mind: I stay centered in the source of my being. I open my heart to unconditional loving of myself and my world. Let my thoughts, words, actions be inspired from that place of unconditional loving. Now, feeling the weight of the body coming back, fully notice each of the five senses. Thank you very much. Coming back all the way. And when you feel ready, with a few gentle blinks, you can open the eyes. Reflection
1. What did you observe in the subtle energy space in this meditation?
2. What practice from this meditation was most striking that you want to practice and explore more? 3. In what way would your life change if your stayed centred in your heart and engaged with the world from there?
10/20/2024 07:45:09 am
Hello Ved,
10/21/2024 03:01:29 am
Namaskar Sanne,
10/20/2024 11:20:32 pm
Dear Ved, it was very helpful to use the willpower from the lower chakra’s to expand the heartenergy, heart awareness inside and surrounding me. I feel also the resistance to expand and allow the unconditionally love. So it feels a little bit hard work, even that I notice that’s already inside me:). I guess practice, practice, practice and trust.
10/21/2024 03:02:47 am
Namaskar Ester!
10/22/2024 02:54:58 am
Namaskar Marloes!
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