21-Day Dhyana Sadhana - Day 15 - Cultivate Awareness of the Content and Condition of your Mind10/24/2024
Day 15 for the 21-Day Dhyana Sadhana, 21-Day Meditation Practice daily online retreat as we approach Divali 2024.
In this practice we go deeper into appreciating how the mind works. In particular we are learning to look at the content - what you are thinking, and the condition - how you are thinking or the quality in the mind. This meditation highlights the energy process of strengthening the different areas of your being and how that influences the condition of the mind. Meditation Transcript
Let me invite you to close your eyes, begin tuning in to that inner space instead of looking through the senses.
The senses are highly relaxing and come into your breathing, becoming skillful in your breathing as you have learned over the past few days. Explore your breath, explore your body, opening up the awareness. Notice as many layers of your being as you can. Your body, vitality, emotions, thoughts, energy. Open up that self observation, self awareness it and notice again the sense of self, that sense of "I", I am experiencing, I am breathing. And move away from the experiencing and move closer to the sense of I, the consciousness that you are holding all experiences, enabling all experiences and breathe into that space. It's a deeper centering in observation, in witnessing. And let's remember that I is held in the source. It's divinely supported. How does this deep centering affect your mind? Are you able to see the subtle shifts in your mind as you change your point of attention? Let's keep the quality and the condition of the mind in our awareness as we explore. As you breathe out and go all the way down the central channel to the root and gently strengthen that root chakra. Breathe out, you can give attention to the perineum. Breathe in and relax. And just do this for a few breaths. As you strengthen the root, you are closing off any energy leakages in your body. We tend to lose energy from the downward flow from the root. So we need to seal off that loss. We need to practice holding the energy, strengthen the root, hold the energy in that lower area. Become aware of the sacral and do the same. Give it a little tension, hold the energy there and see how the awareness that the lower chakras is creating that body relationship, mind, body connection. And let's come into the gut using deep abdominal breathing. But please keep the root chakra held as you explore your gut, building up the energy in your system. And really push the expansion of the abdomen as you breathe in. When you breathe out intense the abdominal muscles draw it in towards the spine and you can hold a breath in the abdomen before gently releasing to bring more energy into the nervous system. Now check in with your mind. Can you sense the subtle shifts in your mind as you energize the lower chakras? If there are thoughts in your mind. That's okay, don't be attached. Allow the thoughts to flow through without drawing too much of your attention. In the right time, the mind will clear. Stay focused with the energy experience. Now let's come into the chest. Come into the heart and use your breathing there to engage in emotional recharge. Expand the chest as you breathe. Focus on that point at the center of the chest and seek to open the heart. Cultivating and uplifting heart space. Kindness, gentleness, acceptance, compassion and deep devotion to the inner self, that divine power supporting you. Open up the heart space. Can you feel the support that the heart is giving to your mind? Observe how by stabilizing that emotional space, the mind is positively influenced. Now, on the inhale, draw the energy up to that point between the eyebrows. Breathe into the head, recharging the brain, the physical experience, and open up to the spaciousness of the inner space. Inner mind. By letting go of thoughts as you breathe out, gently distance yourself from the thinking, opening up more to that subtle quality of mind. By balancing the breathing, you create that subtle quality. To go deeper into the Sattva, all you need to do is breathe into the central channel. From the brow, go down the central channel all the way to the root. From the root on the inhale, draw the energy upwards. This will begin cleansing the Tamas, pacifying the Rajas, and cultivating the Sattva. And if you're able to hold your body in that experience of guiding the flow of energy in the central channel, now begin using your whole body, breathing with each breath, feeling a subtle stretch through your entire body and guiding the breath, guiding the flow of energy to every single cell. Tuning into your senses. As we come to the end of our meditation, let's affirm in the mind: I stay centered in the source of my being. I cultivate Sattva, purity and balance in my and I seek to engage with my world from that place. Now take one last deep breath. Pull yourself fully into the body. Alert, feeling the weight of the body. Strengthen the root chakra, strengthen the gut. If you need to pull yourself all the way back. When the moment is right, you can gently open the eyes. Reflection
1. What do you notice about the content of your mind?
2. What do you observe about the condition of your mind? 3. From your meditation experience, how did the moving of the energy and breath influence the condition of the mind?
Dear Ved, I love the structure of the meditation to start with the root and from there, nourishing the energy and continue nourishing the energy and nervous system while going upwards to the heart and mind. That way, indeed my mind was already calm, more sattvic, when focusing there.
10/25/2024 08:36:21 am
Namaskar Marloes!
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